Impressions of a scouting trip and motivation for eTourEurope in a radio interview – link

The organisation of eTourEurope started some time ago and is now in full swing. Preparation for the rally, in which 13 teams from 7 different nations will be participating from 17th May to 26th May 2014, has included a comprehensive inspection of the route and the charging infrastructure. This was carried out by Werner Hildebrand-Hansen at the end of March when he drove a Tesla Model S to nine European capitals and local eMeetingpoints in nine days, to ensure that the EV rally event will run smoothly and also to finalise arrangements for the “1000 EVs in motion” project.

He regards the situation relating to global awareness of e-mobility or  functionality of tracking technology as very positive. Positive despite the one or two minor problems the team had to deal with to gain access to charging infrastructure.

„Those nine days showed, once again, just how moving e-mobility can be. The overwhelming public support for this form of transport is electrifying. During our test run we were approached by a number of people who told us how much they welcomed this demonstration of transnational EV mobility. It is regrettable that this development is rarely addressed in public discourse and that although so many people have been moving forward electrically for so long, this is ignored“.

Not that the intention of the person who has organised this event for many years, is to abuse EVs designed for a specific range by expecting them to deliver long-range capability. On the contrary, he wants to show that  alleged restrictions such as range anxiety no longer exist in everyday life and that electric cars are suitable for day-to-day use.

This is also the aim of the project „1000 EVs in motion!“ This project has received  considerable support from national and local partners. Local EV drivers are requested to gather in their individual towns and cities. The list of eMeetingpoints

can be found at where all EV drivers can register and without obligation and for free – all EVs can take part from Pedelecs to plug-in hybrids. You can also find essential charging information at this same link.

Charging get-togethers : There were real charging parties at the Tesla superchargers in the Netherlands. Within minutes drivers and cars were networking with each other.

On the whole, access to the public charging infrastructure works.  Only once, in Luxembourg, did we have to enlist the help of a parking lot service technician to solve the problem with the Benelux charging pass that we had brought with us. After that, our team of drivers were able to access all the charging stations in Belgium and the Netherlands without the slightest hiccup just as we had expected.

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About eTourEurope – 1000 EVs in motion!

eTourEurope is an open movement  towards transnational e-mobility. EV drivers from different countries take part in making e-mobility visible in everday life and through rallies. eTour Europe wants to get more than 1000 EVs rolling across and beyond European borders. The initiator of this movement is Werner Hillebrand-Hansen. He has already absolved various electric car rallies with his teams and is considered one of the pioneers of e-mobility.


Eva-Maria Ritter

Email: medien [at] etoureurope [dot] eu

Phone: +49-176-56 77 58 98